Monday 26 October 2015



Name of the teacher  :  Arya S. Raj                                
Date        :  19-08-2015
Name of the School  :  Vimala Hridaya G. H. S. S
Std          :  IX H
Name of the subject  :  Biology                                     
Str           :  63/65
Name of the unit       :  Circulatory path ways               
Period     :  5th
Name of the lesson   :  Structure of heart                                      
Duration :  40 minute

        To develop different dimensions of knowledge on the topic “Structure of heart” through group discussion, demonstration, observation and evaluation by questioning, participating in group discussion, reporting and presentation.
Scientific terms:-           
Pericardium, pericardial fluid, auricle, ventricle, arteries, veins.

  1. Heart, blood, blood vessels are together consists of circulatory system.
  2. The role of circulatory system is the transport of material throughout the body.
  3. Heart is a muscular organ located behind the sternum within the thoracic cavity.
  4. A persons heart is generally as large as his or her fist.
  5. Heart is protected by double membranous pericardium and the fluid fills the space between the membrane is called pericardial fluid.
  6. The pericardial fluid helps the smoothness of heart.
  7. Human heart has four chambers and upper two chambers are atria and lower two are ventricle.
  8. The atria and ventricle are separated by muscular walls.
  9. Left atrium open to left ventricle and right atrium to the right ventricle.
  10. The valves present between atrium and ventricle to help flow of blood in one direction and it prevent the backward flow of blood.
  11.  Arteries and veins are blood vessels that carry the blood from heart and bring to the heart.
Structure of heart
To enable the pupil in

  1. Recognize the structure of heart and recalling the major parts of a heart for developing factual knowledge.
  2. Discussing and identifying the different parts of heart for developing conceptual knowledge.
  3. Generating an idea on the location of heart showing the structure of heart for developing procedural knowledge
  4. Developing scientific process skills like observation, discussion, identification, and classification of different parts of heart
  5. Developing scientific interest about the topic structure of heart
  6. Developing scientific appreciation about heart and its function
The pupil already knows
Heart is the muscular organ which helps in the transport of materials throughout the body
A poem showing the concept heart
Class room interaction procedure
Pupil response
Teacher ask to the students
Today we are follows a new method of Learning

Activity 1
Teacher with the help of a poem that shows the concept as heart and ask the students to discuss about the poem and identify the concept
Lub dub
Not 2 arms,
2 eyes,
Nor knees...
Not your legs,
Nor other part,
I never rest,
'Cause I’m your companion
No time for sleeping,
I can't stop!
Every second!
Each whole day!
Your whole life!
I work away!
Thumping, thumping
Blood I'm pumping,
Through your veins,
Never stopping,
Not one time.
Teacher explains the concept as heart.
Heart is a muscular organ situated behind the sternum in the thoracic cavity between the lungs tighten slightly towards left. A  persons heart is  generally as large as his or her fist

Students listen the poem carefully and identify the concept

Students listen carefully and understand about structure of heart
Teacher with the help of a power point showing the structure of heart and ask the students to discuss and write the major parts involved in it.
Teacher explains circulatory system consist of heart, blood and blood vessels. Heart is a muscular organ heart is covered by double membranous structure called pericardium and the  fluid that fills the space is called pericardial fluid and it protect the heart and help it to function smoothly. Human heart has four chambers upper two are atria and lower two are ventricle. The atria and ventricle are separated by muscular walls. The valves present between atria and ventricle ensure the flow of blood in one direction.  Arteries and veins are the blood vessels carry blood from heart and bring to the heart.

Students observe the power point presentation carefully and discuss about the structure of heart.

Students understand the structure of heart and identifies the major parts included


  1. What is the function of circulatory system?
  2. Where the heart was located?
  3. What are the different parts of heart?
  4. What is the function of valves?
  5. How the pericardium helps the heart?
What are consequences occur in human, when the working of heart stops?

19-08-2015                                       BIOLOGY                               STD: IX H
                                                                                                           STR: 63/65
               Structure of Heart
1       Circulatory system
 Heart, Blood and Blood vessels
2       Pericardium, Pericardial fluid
3       Auricles and ventricles
4       Arteries and Veins

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