Monday 26 October 2015

ICT Enabled Lesson Plan

ICT Enabled Lesson Plan

Name of the teacher  :  Arya s raj                                
Date        :  17-08-2015
Name of the School  :  Vimala Hridaya G. H. S. S
Std          :  IX H
Name of the subject  :  Biology                                     
STR        :  64/65
Name of the unit       :  Circulatory path ways               
Period     :  3rd
Name of the lesson   :  Blood                                       
Duration :  40 minute

To develop different dimensions of knowledge on blood and its composition through group discussion demonstration observation and evaluation by questioning participating in group discussion reporting and presentation.  

Scientific terms

Red blood corpuscles, white blood corpuscles, platelets, plasma.

Scientific  facts 

  • Blood is a complex tissue fluid.
  •  The functions of blood are transport of materials providing immunity maintenance of body temperature etc.
  • Blood consist of 55% liquid plasma and 45% blood cells.
  •  Red blood corpuscles white blood corpuscles and platelets are the different types of blood cells.
  • Plasma is suitable for transport of materials.
  •  RBC are more in number and its transport respiratory gases.
  • White blood corpuscles are different types such as neutrophils, basophils, eosnophils monocytes and lymphocytes.
  • White blood corpuscles provide immunity to the body.
  • Platelets are immediately plug the minor wound formed in the blood vessels and it also essential for clotting of blood.

Blood cells and their functions.

To enable the pupil in
  1. Recognizing  the structure function and composition of blood for developing factual knowledge
  2. discussing  the different type of blood cells , differentiating  the function and composition of blood ,explaining the structure and components of plasma for developing conceptual knowledge
  3. show the structure of blood cells for developing the procedural knowledge
  4. developing scientific process skills like  observation discussion  identification and classification of different types of blood cells
  5. developing scientific interest about the topic blood
  6. developing scientific appreciation about the topic blood, its composition and functions.
The pupils already know, blood is the red coloured fluid tissue found animals.

  • Video showing blood and its components

  • Diagram showing different types of blood cells. 

Class room interaction and procedure
Pupil response
Teacher with the use of PowerPoint presentation showing some pictures related to blood and discuss the importance of blood.

Students observe and recollect the importance of life and blood.
Activity 1
Teacher with the help of PowerPoint showing the videos of blood and ask the students to discuss about the importance of blood and its function

Students observe and discuss the importance of blood and their functions.
Blood is a complex fluid tissue which is red in colour and flows throughout the body. These are about five likes of blood in adult human beings. Transport of materials, providing immunity maintenance of body temperature et. Are the functions of blood.

Students listen carefully and understand about functions of blood.
Activity 2
Teacher with the help of a powerpoint presentation showing the diagrams of difference types of blood cells and their functions.

Students observe and understand the structure of RBC, WBC platelets.
Teacher explains there are 3 types of blood cells, these are Red blood Corpuscles, or RBC, white blood corpuscles or WBC and platelets. In blood RBC are more in number and it helps to transport of respiratory gases. WBC are different types such as neutrophil, basophil, eosinophil, monocyte and lymphocyte. The major functions of WBC are providing immunity to the body. The main function of platelets is immediately plug the minor wounds formed in the blood cells . They also essential for clotting of blood

Students listen carefully and understand the different types of blood cells and their functions.


  1. What are the 3 types of blood cells?
  2. What are the components of liquid plasma?
  3. Explain the function of WBC?
  4. What are the importance of RBC?
  5. How platelets help the blood?

       What are the consequence occur in man when blood not coagulated?


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